The source of my inspiration
The source of my inspiration

Hey, I’m Chiara. I study design. Because of my dogs I started doing emotional dog photography. My vision is to capture special moments and to wake emotions while watching the photo. I grew up with dogs and I’m always curious to get to know new dogs and their individualities. In my shootings I pay attention to have a relaxed atmosphere for you and your dog because I also want to see your dog relaxed in my photos. My focus in dog photography especially in nature is on dog portraits. But I also love challenges like dogs in landscapes or dogs in motion.
I asked my friends to describe me with one word and the answer was: humorous, uncomplicated, motivated and visionary. These characteristics describe not just me personally but also my work. I’m passionate and focused in all my projects. Often I have an exact vision how something has to turn out even before I started.
In my free time my dogs are my first priority. I enjoy walking them for hours and I also spend a lot of time on the agility course. My dogs give me much energy and inspiration and they already made so much possible I didn’t even dare to dream before. Of course they are always on my side and enjoy every new adventure with me.
Hook is just Hook. He is one of the bubbliest dogs I know. Being a really small Mini American Shepherd, however, Hook knows no bounds. He believes he is capable of anything. Although his stubborn head can get on your nerves quite a bit, you just can't stay mad at him. He has those big puppy eyes and his tiny paw that he always tries to give you when he knows he's done something bad. Be careful or he'll have you wrapped around his finger in no time!
Hook is derived from "hookline," the part of a song that is most memorable.

Zayden is one of the happiest, bravest and most confident dogs I know. He moved in with his brother from another mother (and father obviously) 2022 as a puppy. Since then he just won’t leave my side and spreads good vibes everywhere he goes. In agility he’s a very fast learned who rarely does mistakes, so he got the nickname „Sheldon“ (from Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory). Zayden is a real charmer, not only with humans but also with other dogs. That’s why it’s also easy for him to sneak his way into other’s hearts.
The name „Zayden“ means little flame.
Nio is a border collie male with lot of good mood! His way to me was very long (he’s from Russia) and it was fate that I got such an amazing dog. He came to me as a puppy and really enriched our live. He is the source of my motivation and optimism. With his kind and funny style he get’s everyone. He’s almost the complete opposite of Pie and very focused on me. The combination of him and Pie is the best possible pack I could wish for and I’m very very thankful for those two amazing dogs in my live.
The name Nio is Celtic and means „the happy one“.

Yuka is a Malinois girl that is part of our family since 2017. She’s very agile and has a lot of energy. Not just her looks are typical malinois but she also has typical malinois characteristics which stole us some nerves at the beginning. Nevertheless we love her friendly and confident style that convinces not just malinois fans. I’m in particulary fascinated by her powerful and majestic style. With my photos I want to show on the one hand exactly that side of her but also on the other hand her ease and dreamy side.
The name Yuka is derived from „Yukon Quest“ the hardest mushing competition in the world.
Pie is a Tervueren girl with many bumble bees in her butt - no wonder for a dog whose mother is called bumblebee ;). Pie is my first own dog, she’s on my side since she was 8 weeks and I was 14 years. She’s the source of my inspiration and strength. I learned so much with her and I’m very looking forward to every adventure we’ll experience together. She didn’t always make it easy for me. Those who know me from agility know what I’m talking about. But I never reget the decision and I can’t express how thankful and proud I am to have such a strong, funny and unique dog on my side. She’s a gift.
The name "pie" means filled cake - fitting for her surprises.

„This is the end of the fairytale we’re holding in our hands“ - Sunrise Avenue
Benny was our first family dog. He was a shelter dog and we were lucky to have 11 amazing years with him. Completely shy he came to us but over the years he did an amazing development. He was the very beginning of so many big things! With 8 years he started doing agility with me and so he is the reason why we started doing it in the first place. He’s the reason we got to know so many wonderful people and my closest friends. Because of him Pie, Yuka and Nio now complete our family. Unfortunately we lost him in January 2020. But he was and always will be - as well as for us but also for our friends - the king of hearts.